New Print: "Life is good"

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I'm delighted to now have this new beautiful piece available as a print. The original piece is called "Life is Good. 

Prints and canvas prints vailable at

Life is good

This is the first of a series of new paintings I am working on. I'm really happy with these and I am planning a new exhibition in a great location around Galway soon. They've been fantastic supporters of my work and I like having my first exhibition for new work with them. 

In the meantime I will also have them available on my site when they're finished. Enjoy.
"Life is good."

Acrylics on ply
approx 17x17 inches (43x 43cm) 
€300 (approx $405)

Shipping: €20

Click the Buy Now button to buy the original

Alternatively, I now offer the option to purchase each paintings in 12 smaller monthly instalments of €33.67 (approx $46.07), -shipping included . Click the subscribe button to set up the instalments.

I also have prints of this prints of this piece available here.

As a bonus, I also did the study for this piece on the ipad. Here's the video:

New Print

If you feel like a treat for yourself or someone else, I have a new print available from Photo4me of some of my best daily paintings:

Flock of two

New painting available :
"Flock of Two"

Acrylics on Canvas
8x8 inches (20 x 20cm) 
€75 (approx $101)
Shipping: €20 - it's heavy wood

Click the Buy Now button to buy this painting

Samsung Phone Covers

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I am delighted to be able to offer SAMSUNG phone covers in addition to my existing iPhone cases.
I only have a limited selection of art available but if you'd like a piece you'd like isn't available, please send me an email ( and I'll add it to the list :

Morning Sheep

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"Morning Sheep"

Acrylics on Canvas
8x8 inches (20 x 20cm) 
€150 (€195)

Click the Buy Now button to buy this painting
Alternatively, I now offer the option to purchase each paintings in 10 smaller monthly instalments of 36.5 (approx $47.45). Click the subscribe button.

Skies & Seas #2

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Skies & Seas #2
12x9 inches
Acrylics on canvas board

Skies & Seas #1

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I am starting a small series of paintings called "Skies & Seas" celebrating the feeling of the open seas in various weathers and moods. Skies & Seas is about the the blurred horizon, the line where the sky and the sea seem to merge into one element.

This is the first one of the series.
12x9 inches
Acrylics on canvas board

Sheep Mentality

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I finally have a bit more time to work on my other project : the Sheep Mentality Comic strip.
I started on this last year but only had about 14 drawn and people have been wondering if I was going to make more.
Truth is I just haven't had the time to work on them but I've been writing them for the past year as ideas came to me. I've a good 30 written and about as much at the idea stage now and I finally have time to draw them so  I'm making more.
It looks like it's still will be published in the Surfer's Path magazine too so all's good on the Sheep Mentality front.
Go check it out at and make sure to like the Facebook page

New table

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I've been looking for a nice large rustic table an never been able to find what I wanted -at least not at a reasonable price. So I thought I'd have a go.
I found some old scafolding planks that weren't good enough for construction anymore and joinded them together with some old 2x4 planks.

After a lot of planning sanding and sanding I had a nice table.
I stained the 2x4 with some dark woodstain to get a nice effect and varnished the lot.

Voila! a nice new table

Here's a small video :

New Board painted

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I finished painting a surfboard for my friend Pete of Aloha Surf School in Fanore. He had an old board that he didn't want to part with and wanted the painting to feature our local break.
He was stoked with it and so was I.


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24 x 12 in (61 x30 cm)
Oil on canvas board - Driftwood Frame
Price :  €370 ($524)

I've had this painting done a while now but I decided to re-post it since I made a small driftwood frame for it with pieces I collected where I normally surf. I think if fits the painting quite well. The frame is complimentary but it can be removed easily if it doesn't suit you.

Click the Buy Now button to buy this painting.

Alternatively, I now offer the option to purchase each paintings in 10 smaller monthly instalments of €43.55 ($55.19). Click the subscribe button.

Sunset Slide

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"Sunset Slide"  
12x12 in (30x30cm)
Acrylics on deep edge canvas 
  €250 ( approx $330)

Click the buy now button bellow to purchase this painting.

Polkas Anyone ?

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"Polkas anyone ?" 
 10x14 in (24x35cm) 
Acrylics on Deep Edge Canvas
€250 (appox $326)

Use the 'Buy Now' button to purchase this painting.

Alternatively, I now offer the option to purchase pieces in 12 smaller monthly instalments of €24.79 (approx $32.34). Click the subscribe button.

Duke Street Gallery

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I brought a new series of paintings to the Duke Street Gallery last weekend, in their new premises. The new place looks great and while they've lost their fantastic window displays new layout inside is much much better and the art there looks great.
I'm also DELIGHTED that they're taking on my surf related works now. It's great to see surf art slowly making it into mainstream galleries and a positive encouragement for struggling surf art artists to persevere.

Bouzouki and Flute

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Another piece going to the Bridge Street Gallery (former Apollo Gallery) next weekend.
12x12 - inches Acrylics on Canvas. I don't have a name yet but I'm sure I'll come up with something soon...or if you have suggestions, fire away...

New Painting - Temple Bar

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"Temple Bar"
16x20 in (40x50cm)
Acrylics on Deep Edge Canvas
Available at the Duke Street Gallery

Film Portrait

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Jules Charlton of Hokua Media came to the studio last Saturday to shoot a Film Portrait for the Apollo Gallery in Dublin.
We got in touch during the week and decided to make it happen that very Saturday as the weather looked decent. It turned out to be one of the nicest day of winter here so far and there even were a few small lazy waves.
Jules is a very nice guy and made me feel at ease straight away with the camera. I'm not sure I like talking about myself that much but the whole experience was thoroughly enjoyable. Pity the waves weren't better (or maybe it's just my surfing that sucks...)

Aside from a great sunny day chatting and shooting this is what he came up with. Nice one Jman!

Hokua Media Twitter  
Vimeo Channel
Youtube Channel

Style Study #1

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I've started working on some style studies of various digital concept artists, trying to transpose their techniques on computer into acrylics. One of my favourite is Feng Zhu, no less. He's worked on many films (starwars...) and lord of the ring video games.
Here's the first one I've done so far . Since this isn't my usual style(s) and it is a style study, I decided to put this study up for auction on ebay with a tiny reserve just to cover material costs :
I'm curious to see what happens :)

More info on my Study blog:

Tig Coili print

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"Tig Coili"
16x12 in (40x30cm) - Canvas print on 2 in (5cm) deep canvas
Hand Embelished - Signed 
95( approx $123 )

Click the 'Buy Now' button to purchase this print
Alternatively, I now offer the option to purchase pieces in 5 smaller monthly instalments of €23.85 (approx $30.87). Click the subscribe button.



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16x20 in (40x50cm)
Acrylics on Deep Edge Canvas

I love making these sheep painting, the make me smile all throughout. Mind you some artistic license is taken indeed, not least with the sunshine and cloudless skies, but I always find paintings of Ireland too full of greys and darks ; my experience is that it's a wide open beautiful and bright place .. just not very often :)

Available from the Duke Street Gallery

Walkers at Sandymount

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"Walkers at Sandymount"
10x14 in (24x35cm) 
Acrylics on Deep Edge Canvas

I came up with the idea of doing walkers a few years back, but never got around to it. There's such a distinctive stance in the way power walkers go about. There's a clear "determination" in their stride and yet it doe not seem to be targeted at anything specific, well nothing other than getting there and back I suppose. 
Available from the Duke Street Gallery

The Banjo Fan

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"The Banjo Fan"
8x8 in (20x20cm) 
Acrylics on Canvas

Every musician has his fan(s). I found this out after years of going to sessions, concerts and Fleadhs (traditional music festivals). I sat beside some horrendous players and yet somehow, there was always someone in the audience who simply LOVED their playing, regardless. As an artist I find it both reassuring and disturbing...

Available from the Duke Street Gallery

Print - Room for More

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"Room For More"
16x12 in (40x30cm) - Canvas print on 2 in (5cm) deep canvas
Hand Embelished - Signed 
95( approx $123 )

Click the 'Buy Now' button to purchase this print  
Alternatively, I now offer the option to purchase pieces in 5 smaller monthly instalments of €23.85 (approx $30.87). Click the subscribe button.


Print : Hanging Two

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I loved this painting (now sold). I did it straight after a nice little session with another surfer. We had the spot to ourselves and just shared small mellow waves for 3 hours. Bliss. I have a few prints on canvas available now.
16x12 in (40x30cm) - Canvas print on 2 in (5cm) deep canvas

Hand Embelished - Signed 
95( approx $123 )

Click the 'Buy Now' button to purchase this print 

Alternatively, I now offer the option to purchase pieces in 5 smaller monthly instalments of €23.85 (approx $30.87). Click the subscribe button. 

New Print - "Shared Moments"

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I have another few prints available directly from me. These are 16x12 canvas prints, hand embelished on a deep edge canvas. Each are numbered and signed.



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