A couple of things I'm working on.

I haven't made an update in ages. Some people have asked me if I'm even still painting :).

I've been keeping quiet on the painting side in order to concentrate on my house, but i still have a few commissions and a couple of additional pieces in the works.


  1. Hi Olivier,

    Walking past Apollo gallery on Saturday and your paintings grabbed me. I bought two small ones. A pub trad session and some sheep and rolling hills. They are great. Just what I like- bright colours and a bit cartooney. Keep it up!
    Iveagh Jameson

  2. Hello Iveagh,

    Thanks for the mail and kind words. I'm delighted to know the paintings found a new happy owner.
    i've been busy painting a lot of wave/surf inspired scenes and just getting back to painting sessions, pubs, sheep... etc.. so the encouragement couldn't have been timed better ;)
    Thanks again
    ps: I run a monthly newsletter where I show new work and other art related things. If you'd like to be added, send me your email address and I'll add you straight away.



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